Rain on a Tin Roof

Mayhem and Music. A paradox of sound. Sad, yet hopeful. Always beautiful.

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Location: Mississippi, United States

Broken . . . Mended . . . A work in progress.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What's in a name?

"Rain on a Tin Roof" comes from the lyrics of a song I wrote at the end of a distressed time in my life. The song, "Even So", comes from Habakkuk 3. It's a declaration of faith in God despite difficult circumstances. It seems I'm never lacking in those types of circumstances. But occasionally, I am lacking in the faith it takes to walk through them. That's where the rain comes in. Rain on a tin roof is a paradox of music and mayhem-the same kind of music and mayhem you get when you're trying to worship but tears keep choking off the song. And you wonder if God has seen you, has heard you, still loves you. And from somewhere in the recesses of your spirit, you wimper, "Even so, my heart will rejoice in the Lord."

So, sometimes, I'll write like I've got it all together-and sometimes like it's all falling apart. But always with a little music and mayhem. And maybe through reflection on life and the word of God, and maybe through your comments and encouragements, our wimpers will turn into shouts of rejoicing.

Homework: Go read Habakkuk 3.

For Fun: Go to www.cdbaby.com and artist search for Joanna Miley "The Way I Know You Now" to hear the song.


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