Rain on a Tin Roof

Mayhem and Music. A paradox of sound. Sad, yet hopeful. Always beautiful.

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Location: Mississippi, United States

Broken . . . Mended . . . A work in progress.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Have horse, will travel.

My husband loves "pioneer" movies. We recently got roped into the TV mini-series, "Broken Trail" - mostly because we love Robert Duvall as an actor.

Have you ever noticed how the frontier men and women always have the same seemingly insurmountable odds ahead of them? Mountains, rivers, restless natives, misappropriated food rationing, and the occasional horse theif. Whatever their destination, it is always, "Just on the other side of those mountains, boys!" And somewhere along the way up the face, the wagon wheel busts. Some poor sap with a broken leg is always pulled on a stretcher behind a sure-footed horse. But being the hardy pioneers that they are, the motley crew manages by sheer grit to crest the mountain.

Some days, I don't have enough grit to walk around the den to find a misplaced remote control. After watching that movie, I laid in bed with my husband and said, "We need to own up to something right now: We are lazy people." But I am just getting to the point that I'm tired of being on the wrong side of the mountain. I want more accomplishment in my life. I want to be at a healthy weight. I want to have a baby. I want to have control over my finances. I want to have more time with my family. I want to be able to provide and care for my aging parents.

What are your mountains? I'll bring the wagon. You bring the horse. We'll cross them together.


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