What's bugging you?
I'm paralyzed lately by this crazy need to make an itinerary before I do anything. In school, before I studied, I had to have my room clean. And before going on a trip, I have always made a list of the clothes I might want to take. But I mean, lately, it's been borderline obsessive-compulsive. I make schedules for the day in ten minute increments. I make a menu of what I will eat for the day and how each meal breaks down in servings of protein, carbs, dairy, etc. I flip to my day planner every few minutes or so as though I'm about to miss some important meeting or task.
I have read that people deal with interruptions in their lives in one of three ways: they super-organize; they let things lapse and get really chaotic and messy; they roll with it without getting too flustered. Guess which one I am.
But the list making, which is supposed to keep me on task and aware of things I should be doing, is actually getting in the way of my productivity. I curl up behind some scrap piece of paper and dream of how the day ought to go. I make budgets for our home expenditures on a daily basis because there's always something we forgot to account for, or something that costs more than we expected, or I was too optimistic in how we'd spend our gas money. (Ha!)
So what do you do? How do you cope with the unexpected? I don't really live according to my schedule or budget. But I am compelled to keep making them. Why!!!
That's just something that's bugging me lately.
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