Lessons learned in time
I guess since my blog hits have doubled in the past two weeks - due to a common friend in ministry, and his health update blog - I better get back in the swing of blogging....not that I ever really gave it a fair shake. It kinda sums up most of my hobbies and resolutions made and started in the past year.
Speaking of - here's what has gone on of note since the last blog.
We moved to Mississippi. Back to the hometown. Taking care of mom and dad in their advanced age continues to be a blessing. New jobs and ministries are fun and flourishing. I feel like that previous July post about "just over them mountains" realized itself in this move. We crossed one major bridge in our life, and one more at (hopefully) the near future remains to be crossed.
Of course, I am speaking of the infertility roller coaster. We began seeing a reproductive endocrinologist who gave me the same medication (just a more nauseating and life-interrupting dosage of it) and the same advice - relax, and try to lose some weight. Ain't THAT an oxy, and isn't she a MORON? How do the two go together? Still working on that part. The result of all the tests, though, was about what I expected. No good reason why we shouldn't be able to conceive. Like everybody has said, "When God's ready..."
In my study, I came across this verse:
"I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things." Isaiah 45:7
...which is especially poignant in my circumstances as I consider the context [Rant: ALWAYS look at the context: end RANT] that God was speaking to Cyrus, king of Persia who would restore the Israelites to Jerusalem following their Babylonean captivity, saying all this through Isaiah - get this - ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before Cyrus was even BORN!!!
That whole Hallmark-ized sentiment of "When God's ready..." began to take on a totally more important and spiritual connotation. There really is a purpose in all this. God really is sovereign. The children I have [if any - I can say that now without grieving for a couple of days at a time] will be exactly the people, the threads of precise weight and color, that he needs to weave into the tapestry of his designed history.
...So there you have it. I'm a Baptist with Reformed Prebyterian leanings, working for a Methodist ministry. But I feel more clear about everything going on because of a renewed confidence in the complete sovereignty of a God who could use a pagan king to carry out history-changing events that would bring us a Savior, who would issue a commission that would penetrate the heart of a family, who would give birth to a daughter, who would be raised to love the Scriptures that tell the story of a God who....
Well, you get the idea.
Don't you love Jesus?