God's Will - Chapter 1
I have been talking about this subject and teaching students these principles about knowing and doing the will of God for the past ten years. Let's get it on "paper" (e.g. the computer screen) and see if it actually holds water.
Often, when making a decision, we will pray to know "God's will", a mysterious and direct revelation of some sort that makes the way crystalline. A revelation frequently accompanied by well-timed events, billboards, flocks of bird, etc.
But if you read through the book of Acts, of Paul's missionary journeys, only occasionally were his travel plans so well laid out - for instance, the Macedonian call. Other times, Paul would journey somewhere and find a closed door. Did this mean he had misinterpretted the direction of the wind that drove his ship? (Like when it was driven against rocks?)
Here is what experience and the study of scripture [rant: which do not ever need to be divorced from one another: end rant] have revealed to me. I see God moving in and around us in these three ways to direct us in certain paths.
1. The Specific Will of God - Macedonian calls, dreams and visions, nearly audible discernment of the Spirit's leadership through prayer, usual or unusual lining up of circumstances or provisions for the fulfillment of a pending decision, fleece, open and shut doors. Sometimes, when it suits Him and we'd otherwise miss the way, God gives very clear direction about certain things.
2. The Scriptural Will of God - "Hate what is evil, cling to what is good." "Love the Lord. Love your neighbor." Great Commission. Ten Commandments. God sometimes reveals His will through His word. Situations may call for a discernment of biblical principles to know whether it is wise or profitable to act or choose in a certain way. Through the application of scripture, these choices can be made.
3. The Simple Will of God - Some decisions are "no brainers". If it's cold outside, wear a jacket. No one ever stands in front of the closet and says, "O God, because Thou hast seen this day before the foundations of the earth were laid, reveal to me Thy will concerning my clothing. Make the selection Thou hast chosen leap forth from the closet and adhere itself to my body that I might walk in accordance with Thy will." God has given us common sense. And James 1 also says that we are to ask God for wisdom. Believing that the prayer for wisdom has been answered, and knowing that no scriptural principle or specific direction will be violated, some decisions are just a case of making sound judgment calls. This is the realm in which the whole world - believer and nonbeliever - operates daily.
Where most believers get tied up is in knowing what kind of Will a certain decision calls for. Marriage? College? Major? Job? Mission? We get to certain crises of faith and "wigg out", not knowing how to make a decision. We want to have the answer revealed Specifically, rather than taking the time or operating the faith it takes to make our own, or operate our own spiritual giftedness of discernment.
Here's my suggestion, which has never steered me wrong thus far. Having listed your options, check the scriptures to rule out what you can, pray for wisdom and use common sense to sort through what's left. Determine to act in a certain way, and if God has not revealed any variation to your decision, ask Him to bless you, and ACT. If it's in a direction He does not want you to take, He'll shut the door, as He did at various times for the disciples.
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